It’s been a while!

So I know most of you follow me on Facebook and are pretty aware that Ava was born and is actually 2 months old today! It’s been a whirlwind with a new baby, me being in and out of the hospital, and now I’m back at work full time! Thank God for Sley! Being new parents is absolutely amazing. We cannot imagine life without Ava.

Be looking for a full post (with lots of cute pics) coming soon! I had all intentions of posting Ava’s birth story but it was pretty intense so unless I have a lot of people want to know exactly what happened, I’ll wait (and I wouldnt want to scare any of my preggo friends – eveyone is different).

Also, if you could send up prayers for Sley’s grandma…she is being moved to a hospice facility this evening.



34 weeks 5 days

34 weeks 5 days

How far along?: 34 weeks 5 days

Baby is the size of a: Butternut Squash

Total weight gain/loss: I had an unexpected doctor appointment Monday so total, I’ve gained 12 pounds.

The Bump: Hurts.

Pregnancy symptoms: peeing a lot, hormones, tired, my brain wont stop working, uncomfortable

Food Cravings: sushi, Mexican, ice cream, chickfila, sausage

Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: not this week!

Sleep: is good until about 4am, then I’m up for good because my brain wont shut off and Ava has dance parties.

What I miss: being able to breathe, not leak on myself, sleeping on my stomach

Weddings Rings On or Off: Off

Any Names Picked Out Yet: Ava Catherine

Gender Prediction: Girl!

Movement: hurts and happens a lot. I ended up having to go to Rex Monday and am currently being watched for preeclampsia. While there, they had me hooked up to the monitor to listen to Ava’s heart beat and movement. I guess I don’t sit still long enough to realize she moves ALL THE TIME. Ava is doing great. My BP was elevated and there was a little more protein in my urine than they would like so I had to collect urine yesterday for 24 hours (fun) and go deliver it to the doctor today. I don’t know if they will be able to tell me anything. Bags are packed just in case. Sorry I am writing all “Debbie Downer” but I’m tired and trying not to worry about having to be induced/have a C-Section/go out on short term disability soon. Say a prayer for me!

Maternity Clothes: are a must and I’m going to have to go buy new bra’s or start wearing a sports bra soon.

Labor Signs: The main reason I went Monday to the doctor was because I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid (which turns out I was not) and that’s when they saw the signs of preeclampsia. I tried to blow it off since I have to come back Friday anyway but they said it was life threatening for me and Ava and could cause me to have seizures so Sley and I heeded their advice and went to Rex to be monitored. I can’t really complain because I’ve gone this long with no problems and I feel fine.

Best Moment of the Week: Saturday we had our last baby shower. OMG we are so ready for Ava to be here! She is set with the cutest clothes, toys, diapers, wipes, etc, etc, etc…Sley and I are so so blessed.

What I’m excited about/looking forward to: finding out results and moving forward to whatever needs to happen.


Bumpdate (man I really need to remember to clean that mirror!)

Bumpdate (man I really need to remember to clean that mirror!)

How far along?: 33 weeks 4 days

Baby is the size of a: Durian Fruit (am I the only one who has no idea what these are?!)

Total weight gain/loss: 10 lbs! I went to the Dr. last week and had not gained a pound (actually lost a pound) since last appointment 2 weeks prior! I guess I owe thanks to Sley for limiting my chocolate milkshakes…

The Bump: Just when you think your stomach is stretched to the max, somehow, it keeps growing. My skin hurts so bad sometimes I can’t even let the water hit it in the shower and as soon as I get home from work, I immediately want to take my shirt off (even before my shoes). But I must admit, I love my belly and the little rolls and jabs that I get all day long from Ava. When she’s moving, I can see it but when trying to video it, it doesn’t show up well (probably because I’m not going to post a bare belly photo).

Pregnancy symptoms: crazy dreams-like most of them I’m either fussing someone out or am about to fight someone…tired-like no matter how much sleep I get, my body is exhausted!…hungry-I feel like I eat all day long and it’s never enough…the top of my belly hurts from all the kicks, jabs, and stretching…I cry for no reason and have anxiety attacks thinking of off the wall things (hormones)…my bladder is SHOT…bloated…swelling…back pain around 3:30 everyday…my pelvis feels like it’s going to give out…sore “down there”

Food Cravings: Mexican, sushi, a cold bologna and cheese sandwich…eh, who am I kidding…food! Soon I’m going to turn into a chocolate chip granola bar. Every day, Sley packs my snacks for work which almost always consist of goldfish crackers, 2 chocolate chip granola bars, 1 rice krispy treat, and a baggie of grapes…I love him.

Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: not this week!

Sleep: has gone back down hill. I made the mistake of leaving the nursery unfinished after our shower Saturday (stuff on the floor not put up) and I woke up at 2 and couldn’t go back to sleep. Maybe it’s the time change that has thrown me off too but ever since that night, I’ll sleep good from about 11:30-2:30 then it’s off and on…not to mention Ava is like her daddy and thinks 5:30 is a good time to wake up and jump around…I’m NOT a morning person and Sley is so it looks like Ava will be hanging with her daddy in the mornings!

What I miss: being able to breathe, not leak on myself, SLEEP.

Weddings Rings On or Off: Off. I haven’t tried putting them back on since I took them off last week. Don’t want to risk getting them stuck!

Any Names Picked Out Yet: Ava Catherine

Gender Prediction: Girl!

Movement: Is more pronounced and frequent. I love feeling her move, it’s just getting to be uncomfortable sometimes, leaving my ribs and the top of my stomach super sore after she settles down.

Maternity Clothes: I got my 3 new shirts from ThredUP that I ordered last week! 2 of them fit and are SUPER COMFY. The other is made from a material that doesn’t give so maybe I’ll be able to wear that after the baby.

Labor Signs: I had some major pains Sunday morning on my left side and after doing research, found out it was a gas pocket that got stuck so 2 TUMS and a few minutes later, I was good to go! I didn’t know what I was feeling but it was constant pain, not contractions, and it didn’t stop when moving positions so I knew I was probably ok.

Best Moment of the Week: Saturday we had my best friends baby shower! I had sorority sisters, family, and friends all attend. It was so nice to chat with the girls I grew up with (who are all mothers themselves now) and just hear their stories. Of course, Ava got some really nice things and we are so so thankful for Paige and her mom giving us the shower and for all who came!

What I’m excited about/looking forward to: This coming up Saturday is our last baby shower thrown by my mom and grandma!


Ava’s Nursery!

This weekend, Sley and I (well mostly Sley) finished hanging things up in the room! We have one more baby shower coming up and we are so ready for sweet Ava’s arrival. We just love how her room has come together.


Sley’s cousin made us this cute sign so we decided to put it on the outside of Ava’s bedroom door.




Here is what the room looks like from the door



And without further adieu, the rest of the nursery!



Mom found this idea on Pinterest and made it for Ava!




My VP had these next two things on my diaper cake and went perfectly with the room! I thought hanging them would make things magical!



Home girl has plenty of clothes!





We got the baskets from Dollar Tree. Best idea ever.




The basket here I got at Michaels half off!




Her drawers are as full as her closet!





One of my childhood friends made this bow holder for Ava! LOVE!




Car seat and diaper bag ready to go!





All that’s missing is our sweet baby! Less than 7 weeks and counting!


32 weeks 4 days (pardon the nasty mirror)

32 weeks 4 days (pardon the nasty mirror)

How far along?: 32 weeks 4 days

Baby is the size of a: Squash/Jicama

Total weight gain/loss: 11 lbs (well I’ll find out tomorrow if anymore)

The Bump: is getting bigger and is itching and going numb! When she is up high, it feels like my ribs and the top of my stomach are bruised. Sometimes it feels like I have just gotten off the beach and I have sunburn (you know, when your skin gets really tight right before you turn red?)

Pregnancy symptoms: crazy dreams; tired; hungry; emotional; forgetful; talking in my sleep; bad breath; if I sit too long, my hips hurt; sometimes when I walk, it feels like the baby is going to fall out!, swelling, out of breath, leaky bladder

Food Cravings: Chickfila, fried ice cream from El Senor, sushi

Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: not this week!

Sleep: has surprisingly gotten better PRAISE THE LORD! I don’t need much of it so what I do get is GLORIOUS!

What I miss: being able to breathe.

Weddings Rings On or Off: Today is the first day without my rings. Sunday at church, I really started to swell standing up to sing and we did a lot on Sunday afterwards so I absolutely over did it. I’ve noticed right before my hands swell, they get red speckles so I know to go ahead and take my rings off because I don’t want to have to get them cut off. Then when my hands go down, all the fluid goes to my feet YIKES.. It’s not too bad yet. This morning I woke up to get ready for work and it was no use so I handed over my rings to my husband so he could put them away. I was sad until he said, “Andrea, the end product is so worth it” and he is so right.

Any Names Picked Out Yet: Ava Catherine

Gender Prediction: Girl!

Movement: is beginning to be painful. She is running out of room so every move she makes I swear relocates one of my organs. Yesterday morning, Sley leaned over when we woke up and started kissing my belly and talking to Ava and she started moving all around. I had to get up and start moving to put her back to sleep because she was so excited to hear her daddy it felt like she was bouncing on my bladder! Still, so so sweet! Also, at work, she got the hiccups and one of my co workers got to feel her.

Maternity Clothes: I found the BOMB website “thredUP” and ordered 3 maternity tops for $24 with shipping. They have all sorts of clothes for women and girls, not just maternity, that is second hand in mint condition. I can’t wait to get my loot Friday!

Labor Signs: I’ve dropped a little bit. If I can just make it past March 15 I’ll be good (last baby shower).

Best Moment of the Week: Saturday we had Sley’s family shower. Ya’ll we are so so blessed. It was so nice to have everyone together and have such a good time celebrating our little baby!

What I’m excited about/looking forward to: This coming up Saturday, we have my best friend’s shower!


31 weeks 3 days Bump-date

31 weeks 3 days Bump-date

How far along?: 31 weeks 3 days

Baby is the size of a: Pineapple

Total weight gain/loss: 11 lbs

The Bump: is getting bigger and is itching and going numb!

Pregnancy symptoms: crazy dreams; tired; hungry; emotional; forgetful; talking in my sleep; bad breath; if I sit too long, my hips hurt; sometimes when I walk, it feels like the baby is going to fall out!

Food Cravings: Mexican, chocolate milkshakes, BIG MACS, chickfila ice dream

Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: I was in the computer lab at work where we have a community microwave. It was around lunch time and someone warmed up something that smelt like old shrimp loaded in Old Bay seasoning. The smell was so strong, I had to leave and eat some goldfish.

Sleep: is what I crave the most. I’m so tired but I can’t rest. Between my arm falling asleep, me sleeping on my ear wrong causing it to throb, and having to get up to pee, its useless but when I do sleep, it is good, but poor Sley has to put up with major snoring.

What I miss: being comfortable, not having to walk so slow.

Weddings Rings On or Off: Still on! The other night, I had to take them off because my hands started to swell so I just knew that would be the end of my rings for a while but the next day, my hands were back to normal and I really haven’t had much problem since. I think it was the stress from the Duke/UNC game that caused me to swell that night.

Any Names Picked Out Yet: Ava Catherine

Gender Prediction: Girl!

Movement: Is becoming stronger and more frequent. I know she should start settling down soon since I can tell by the way my skin is feeling that she is running out of room. I know I’m going to really miss feeling her inside of me. It’s truly amazing.

Maternity Clothes: make me happy, especially when I find a good deal. With this warm weather, it was hard for me for find anything so thank goodness the cold weather is coming back!

Labor Signs: The other night I was having some stomach pains/aches but after a while they subsided. I can tell she is moving down because my bladder feels like it’s going to bust and my hips feel like my legs are about to detach.

Best Moment of the Week: Last Wednesday, we had our growth scan then our first shower!

What I’m excited about/looking forward to: This coming up Saturday, we have Sley’s family shower!


Growth Scan and a Shower

The title sounds so gross…like there is a scan of some sort of growth growing like mold when in reality, it was a simple ultrasound, measuring our little (well not so little) sugar booger! I wanted to go ahead and type this post instead of waiting until next week because my brain is SHOT. The ultrasound tech told me the info and I had already forgotten what she said by the time we walked out of the room so I had to get the doctor to repeat and even now I’m not 100% lol. Pregnancy brain is a real thing and it aint pretty, especially when I’m OCD and remember EVERYTHING.

So back to the ultrasound…it went very well! We didnt get to see her sweet face because she had her hands up and she was snuggling with my hip (sounds comfy, right?) but good news – she’s head down! And get this, shes measuring a week ahead so our sweet baby girl weighs about 4 pounds! The bigger she gets, the more relieve I am and the more I want her in my arms! Sley was so excited and kept singing “I love my 4 pound baby!”

In other news, 

my loving husband threw me under the bus when I asked the doctor about me gaining 3.5 pounds since my last appointment 2 weeks ago. I was asking if it was ok since until now, I’ve only been gaining about a pound a visit and she said it was ok, but she would’ve rather the number had been 1.5 but she wasn’t too worried about it. Then, Sley speaks up, “It’s probably all those chocolate milkshakes she’s been eating!” in which the doctor says, “yea, you should probably just limit the milkshakes to once a week” and Sley speaks back up, “yea, not once a day!” If I could’ve spit the death ray out of my eyes, he would’ve been ash on the floor. And it didn’t help that the night before, I had already had my once a week milkshake allowance. Oh well, this too shall pass! Only about 8-9 more weeks to go!

Then after work yesterday, we had our first baby shower! Ya’ll, my co-workers outdid themselves. Let’s just say the Jeep was jam packed on the way home with the cutest outfits, diapers, bibs, and other awesome things. I am so blessed to work with the most amazing people. Two women from my old branch even came to celebrate with us and that really meant a lot to us! Yesterday marks the beginning of baby showers for us, we have 1 once a week for the next 4 weeks! We are so blessed with amazing family and friends and we can’t wait for Ava to get here!


30 Week Bump-date!

30 Week Bump-date!

How far along?: 30 weeks 3 days

Baby is the size of a: Cucumber

Total weight gain/loss: 7 lbs total!

The Bump: is getting bigger!

Pregnancy symptoms: crazy dreams, tired, hungry, emotional, forgetful, talking in my sleep, bad breath

Food Cravings: Mexican, chocolate milkshakes, BIG MACS

Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: not this week! I even browned hamburger and it didn’t bother me!

Sleep: is probably not going to get better at this point. I’m getting up to pee multiple times and my brain just wont shut off because I’ve forgotten so much lately and it drives me crazy so I lay there trying to make sure I’m not forgetting anything.

What I miss: being comfortable, sleeping on my back/stomach, my body not hurting all the time! When it snowed last week, I REALLY missed not being able to sled but she’s worth it.

Weddings Rings On or Off: Still on!

Any Names Picked Out Yet: Ava Catherine

Gender Prediction: Girl!

Movement: I love it. We were in Lowe’s on Saturday and the top part of my stomach went numb and started itching and then she started kicking me there. It was so weird but I absolutely love feeling her move. First thing in the morning, I’ll roll over on my back, Sley will put his hand on my belly and she always gives us 1 good kick.

Maternity Clothes: are the best but the bigger my belly is getting, the less shirts I have that cover me! My pants are still working out great…

Labor Signs: No and let’s keep it that way, for a little while longer at least!

Best Moment of the Week: Yall, I am so so blessed to have Sley as my husband. When it snowed last week, I can hardly bend over now to put my boots on so as much as Sley HATES feet, he helped me put my boots on. Also, Saturday, I felt like my stomach was STRETCHING OUT so he rubbed lotion all over my belly. It’s the little things that mean so much to me. I am one lucky girl!

What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Wednesday morning we have an ultrasound and then that afternoon, we have our first baby shower at my work! So excited!!


29 weeks 2 days

29 weeks 2 days

How far along?: 29 weeks 2 days

Baby is the size of a: Acorn Squash?

Total weight gain/loss: 7 lbs total! Woo hoo!

The Bump: is getting bigger!

Pregnancy symptoms: crazy dreams, tired, hungry, emotional, forgetful, talking in my sleep, bad breath

Food Cravings: fresh fruit, Mexican, chocolate milkshakes, dynamite shrimp from Cheesecake Factory, BIG MACS, and zucchini

Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: not this week!

Sleep: is hit and miss. Poor Sley had to get up last night because I was talking in my sleep. When it’s good, it’s good and I am so thankful for good sleep!

What I miss: being comfortable, sleeping on my back/stomach, my body not hurting all the time!

Weddings Rings On or Off: Still on!

Any Names Picked Out Yet: Ava Catherine

Gender Prediction: Girl!

Movement: Home girl has been TEARING IT UP! I love it! Sley and I lay on the couch at night and she kicks his hand up a storm! It’s so so sweet…I know that I will miss feeling her kicks once she is here. It’s amazing.

Maternity Clothes: are heaven. So what if I only own 2 pair of pants and a handful of shirts. I LOVE them and am really going to miss them. I told another one of my newly preggo friends that maternity clothes feel like you get to wear stretchy pants all day!

Labor Signs: No and let’s keep it that way, at least for another 10 plus weeks!

Best Moment of the Week: Last week I had dinner with my ex sister in laws and ex brother in law and it was so good catching up with them! They gave Ava so much stuff (even a UNC cheerleading outfit that my husband insists on broadcasting on Ava’s door for everyone to see…I’m not sure how I feel about this yet even though I must admit, it’s super cute even if it isnt Duke). AND even though I failed the 1 hour glucose test, I passed the 3 hour one!

What I’m excited about/looking forward to: next week we have another ultrasound to see how much Ava is weighing now and then that afternoon, I have my first baby shower!


28 weeks

28 weeks

How far along?: 28 weeks

Baby is the size of a: Eggplant

Total weight gain/loss: I find out next week when I go to take my glucose test…

The Bump: is getting bigger!

Pregnancy symptoms: crazy dreams, tired, hungry, emotional, forgetful

Food Cravings: fresh fruit, Mexican, chocolate milkshakes, dynamite shrimp from Cheesecake Factory, BIG MACS, and zucchini

Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: not this week!

Sleep: It’s nice to be back in my bed but I think I’m going to have to retire to the couch soon. The bed isn’t offering much support for my back so I wake up with back/neck pain and my hand goes numb.

What I miss: being comfortable

Weddings Rings On or Off: Still on!

Any Names Picked Out Yet: Ava Catherine

Gender Prediction: Girl!

Movement: So of course since I bragged on her, she hasn’t been moving as much. I think she’s probably facing my spine (could explain the back pain)…I try to not let it bother me and know that God is in control.

Maternity Clothes: are my best friend. I did try on a pair of my old jeans to wear in the snow and could still get them pulled up! Buttoning wasn’t going to happen and if they weren’t so uncomfortable when I sat down, I probably would’ve rocked them with a long shirt!

Labor Signs: No and let’s keep it that way, at least for another 10 plus weeks!

Best Moment of the Week: SNOW!!!

What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Please LORD let me pass this glucose test next week!