Pregnancy Update

I’ll post a pic later…

How far along?: 25 weeks, 4 days

Baby is the size of a: Cauliflower

Total weight gain/loss: 6 lbs

The Bump: Still weird looking but getting bigger each day

Pregnancy symptoms: tired, kidney stone, UTI, hormonal, hungry, crazy dreams- like I about punched the crap out of Sley the other night fighting someone in my dreams.

Food Cravings: Big Macs, Aubrey’s hot dogs, homemade biscuits with cheese

Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope

Sleep: is overrated. I mean, who needs it really? When you’re limited to sleeping only on your left side, you have 5 pillows just for you, the heat goes down to 55 every night and you end up crying because you still cant get comfortable, you beg your husband to go to the couch while you drift in and out of consciousness in the recliner, only to wake up 3 hours later needing to pee, struggling to sit the recliner up without straining, all while squeezing your legs together, and realize the recliner is making your back hurt, so after you pee, you wake up your husband and go back to bed, trying to get a few more hours of sleep before the alarm goes off but your daughter thinks it’s Dance Party time, because who doesn’t love to break it down at 3am? so you just lay on your left side, staring at your husband who so easily drifts back off to sleep and is now snoring while your daughter shows off her dance moves while boxing your organs. And don’t EVEN leave the comment, “it’s just getting you ready for the baby…” because lack of sleep plus crazy hormones just might get you cut.

What I miss: Other than sleeping on my stomach and back, I miss wine. No, I’m not an alcoholic, but oh what I wouldn’t give for a night out with Mariah, Michelle, and Paige filled with red wine and sushi. I also really want Jersey Mikes, or even a COLD bologna and cheese sandwich, like the ones your mom used to fix you when you were in kindergarten.

Weddings Rings On or Off: Still on!

Any Names Picked Out Yet: Ava Catherine

Gender Prediction: Girl

Movement: Sometimes I can feel her better than others (on the outside). Sley has been able to feel her a couple of times. I cant wait to see my belly take on weird shapes as she moves.

Maternity Clothes: While we started out with a love/hate relationship, I have come to love my maternity clothes. Now don’t get me wrong, I have 1 pair of dress pants and 1 pair of jeans because I can’t bring myself to spend more than $90 for 2 pair of pants that I have, but I’ve racked up some deals on cute shirts! I still don’t have a lot of clothes because I feel like it’s a waste of money, but what I do have I love!

Labor Signs: No and let’s keep it that way, at least for another 10 plus weeks!

Best Moment of the Week: This past weekend, Sley and I got in a few good naps and THAT is something to be thankful for!

What I’m excited about/looking forward to: I have an appointment tomorrow for an ultrasound. Say a little prayer that our sweet Ava cooperates!

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